【關愛消息】2018 年底感謝信





關愛之家在 2018 年幫助照顧超過 300 名非本國籍的孩子。其中協助了 100 多個孩子與父母返國或是由社會局安排出養。目前還有近 160 名孩子住在我們院內,2 歲以下的共有 123 位,其中未滿 1 歲的寶寶有 60 位。我們的服務也包含協助外展兒童施打疫苗及就醫,目前共有 84 位。每天 24 小時的照顧確實費心費力,但看著這群孩子一天天健康長大,順利的完成手續與生母攜手返國,內心的喜悅和鼓勵也難以形容。這是讓我們持續對這群弱勢母子提供照顧的最大動力。


同時關愛之家長期照顧超過 100 位的愛滋感染者,提供每日生活所需、中途庇護甚至安排就業機會;協助這些感染者的家人能夠減輕照顧的負擔,回歸正常的生活。此外,校園愛滋防治宣導也是我們的重點工作;我們在 2018 年完成了 106 場的校園宣導工作,參與人數突破 3 萬人次,提供在各階段學生及年輕人正確的愛滋防治觀念以及反毒知識。如何使感染者免於歧視與恐懼,也是我們工作團隊的重要使命。


目前關愛之家服務的朋友共約 320 位。





Dear Friend of Harmony Home,


We appreciate your long-term support for Harmony Home. Your kindness warmed the hearts of our children, HIV/AIDS-affected residents and the entire service team.


In 2018, we have provided service for over 300 non-Taiwanese children. Among them, over 100 children have returned to their home countries with their parents or been arranged by Department of Social Welfare to be adopted. There are still around 160 children under our daily caring now; to be more specific, under the age of 2 are 123 persons, and under 12 months are 60 persons. Frankly speaking, providing 24-hour child care for such a group is laborious and demanding. However, seeing these children growing up healthy, or successfully going through the procedures and returning to their home countries with their parents, encourages and inspires us. The affections within our hearts are beyond words. That is the main motivation to keep us continuing care service for these migrant children.


Meanwhile, we have provided care service for over 100 people living with HIV/AIDS(PLHA). We helped them with daily necessities, halfway house and even empowered them to find productive work for sustainable incomes. By doing so, we have relieved the care burden of families of PLHAs, enhancing quality of their lives. In addition, education and prevention campaigns of HIV and the awareness have also been our task. In 2018, we conducted 106 campus campaigns with over 30,000 participants, providing students at all level with correct information to prevent HIV/AIDS and substance abuse. Breaking down HIV sigma and discrimination is also our mission.


The work load and duties of Harmony Home is challenging and tough, but we see it as a bitter-sweet gift; and we hope that you would like to go through the future days along with us. At this time of year end, on behalf of the entire staff, all the sheltered children, residents living with HIV/AIDS, I would like to express our sincerest gratitude.


We wish you a Happy New Year and hope you have a great year ahead.


Warm wishes,
Nicole Yang