


  [caption id="attachment_6859" align="aligncenter" width="620"]SDGs & Give2Asia SDGs & Give2Asia[/caption] Donate Page:http://bit.ly/2sMY5mJ 關愛之家長期以來服務愛滋感染者朋友以及非本國籍孩童,希望有更多海外的朋友一同參與、了解並且支持我們的服務。 為了讓更多人能夠認識我們,關愛之家與Give2Asia 基金會合作,於美國與香港有納稅義務的朋友,若經由Give2Asia 基金會平台捐款給關愛之家,即可用Give2Asia開立之捐贈證明在當地抵稅。 邀請長期關心關愛之家的朋友一起這麼做:

  1. 向您「美國藉與香港藉朋友」或者「於美國與香港工作或求學的親友」分享 Donate Page,向他們介紹關愛之家的工作。
  2. 邀請他們親自拜訪關愛之家,由我們向他介紹我們的服務。

關於Give2Asia 基金會可以參考「認識亞洲NPO 計畫資助者Give2Asia 基金會」/NPOst 公益交流站

[box type="note"] Give2Asia is honored to work with Harmony Home Foundation, Taiwan to connect with its U.S. supporters. Gifts for the Harmony Home Foundation, Taiwan Fund at Give2Asia are tax deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law. Give2Asia is recognized as a tax-exempt public charity in the United States (ID# 94-3373670). According to the IRS as of the drafting of this form, “In general, cash contributions to charitable organizations like Give2Asia may be deducted up to 60 percent of adjusted gross income, with lower adjusted gross income limits for other kinds of contributions.” Give2Asia does not offer tax advice and recommends you speak with a financial advisor to understand how best to structure your gift for maximum tax benefit. More guidance from the IRS can be found here: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/charitable-contribution-deductions [/box]